A Pope of Action

Now that much of the noise has died down over the election of our new Pope, H.H. Pope Benedict XVI, I am anxious to see how Pope Benedict will function.
He will have many issues to confront, both conflicts he has previously written on and those which are unique to his situation...these are all but not limited to...
Women's Ordination and Secularism
In his calling for the full implimentation of Vatican II in light of the Church's history as a whole, I am extreamly heartened. This shows that A.) His Holiness recognizes problems with the rampant decline and decay of the Sacred Liturgy, and B.) That he will also use Sacred Tradition and Church History to illuminate and interpet Vatican II, rather than (as some "progressives" would have it--throwing out the baby with the bath water). Pope Benedict has many challenges facing him--but through our prayers, the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the protection of the Blessed Virgin he shall prevail!
Viva il Papa!!!
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