Where has all the Latin Gone?

Unfortunately, in some parts of the US, if you hear a word of Latin in a Mass it means that you MUST be at an indult Mass celebrated according to the 1962 missal. Now, I think that the Tridentine Mass is absolutely beautiful and if I could, I'd attend an indult mass rather than going to a Novus Ordo; however, since the Novus Ordo is what I was raised on, I am rightfully concerned about its health. Now I must confess that I didn't know a word of Latin until about two years ago; but since I've been exposed to the beauty of Latin in the Liturgy I have been amazed. At First I couldn't believe why the Church would have forbidden Latin in the Liturgy...then I found out that she didn't... The Following is from the:
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
36. § 1. Particular law remaining in force, the use of the Latin
language is to be preserved in the Latin rites.
54. § 2. Steps should be taken so that the
faithful may also be
able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the
Upon finding this out I realized that I was being deprived of what was truly Catholic my whole life. In my youth I had no idea that there was even an option to celebrate the Holy Mass in Latin, let alone celebrate the Novus Ordo Ad Orientem. The first time I saw Mass celebrated Ad Orientem and chanted in Latin I was absolutely blown away.

I kneeled in the pew and it felt like I had just become Catholic...I realized there was much more to this Catholic World than what I was thought in my Confirmation Class (that will have to be another post on the failings of Catholic Instruction). This is what is important though: Both the Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo are beautiful Masses...the problem with the Novus Ordo often arises when it is not celebrated reverently. I and many of my other young Catholic friends have a renewed interest in the Tridentine Mass because we are realizing as we mature that we were not shown all of the "bells and whistles" of our faith when we were children. Our desire is one to reconnect with the generations and great saints of the past--not to have "inventive impromptu liturgical changes" to "enhance participation" we want Catholicism! It is a shame that I, and many of my peers, are just discovering the wonders of their faith...never again will I be bored at Mass--no, not after seeing Mass celebrated with true reverence and piety.
So, I wish to see a wider use of the Ecclesia Dei indult, and I will encourage people to seek out and attend a Tridentine Mass...while I will also fight at my local parish for the restoration of the Sacred Liturgy through insisting on "Catholic" hymns and asking for increased use of Latin.
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