Why Do Catholics Say That? Part 2

Continued in a series...2 of 3....of basic questions often leveled at Catholics. Based on a real encounter.
“Why do you have confession and the Eucharist? Where in the Bible are seven sacrements?”
Here’s a nice list from Dave Sloan…but the bigger question is why are you approaching this from flawed theology. Not everything has to be “in the Bible” to be a Truth. Actually, you’ll look through the Bible and never find it to claim that it contains ALL of the truths of Christianity, actually, quite the opposite, we are told to rely on the Sacred Tradition handed down to us. If we were always to only rely on what is in the Bible then are we to believe that either, there was no Church until the Bible was codified (more than 300 years after Christ)? (this is historically untrue) Or are we to believe that Jesus was half-way done with ascending and then came back down and gave a bunch of Bibles to everyone around (not in the Bible, so that would defeat the main point of everything being “in” the Bible)
“Catholic’s do lots of unessacry things. Rosary isn't necessary.”
No, it’s not necessary. Catholics are free to pray to the Saints as much or as little as they wish. However, to truly understand the mysteries of the Rosary is to understand that it is a beautiful meditation…actually on the important events in the life of Christ. More on the Rosary!
“Another thing about the Rosary…you could just say the prayers with ugly rocks. We use the rosary because it looks "pretty."
I suppose you could, there are internet rosaries--which obviously aren't the traditional rosary. I know some people who use their fingers, but there’s nothing wrong with having a rosary that’s “pretty.” The beauty of sacramentles remind us of the beauty of the kingdom of God. The problem comes in when you have a pretty rosary just to have a pretty rosary and not to say the beautiful prayers that are attached to it.
”And about the bread and wine literally turning in Jesus... that is just plain stupid.”
Unfortunantly, you’ll have to convince every Catholic theologin and some of the most important philosophers in the western world that they are crazy for this to be true. Furthermore, saying this is a blatent slap in the face for Catholics. Denying the Real Presence is A.) Denying that with God all things are possible B.) Directly in conflict with both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and C.) Not in keeping with the message of the New Testament…Jesus was the Pascal Lamb…in the old testament the Jews slaughtered lambs for the attonment of sin and ate it at Passover…in the New Testament Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and we participate in his eternal life by partaking of the Lamb in consuming the actual Body and Blood of Christ.
Reccomended Further Reading: The Real Presence and Christ in the Eucharist
“Catholics try and earn their salvation by works and they do things that Jesus didn’t say to do.”
For salvation we faithfully fufill all of Jesus’ commands to the Church, respond and live in his grace, and trust in His Infinante Mercy. For more information on how to understand/explain salvation go here.
“Is going to a priest any better than asking Christ for forgiveness?”
Here is what we call a false dichotomy. Again you misunderstand what the Church teaches. We “go” to a priest for absolution because Jesus left that power to the Church, the power to bind and loose and to forgive sin. By accepting the authority Jesus left in the Church you are seeking absolution that Jesus gives through His legitimate authority on Earth…the guardian of Truth…His Church.
This is the prayer that the Priest says in confession…really ponder the words:
God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son, has
reconciled the world to Himself, and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the
forgiveness of sins. Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon
and peace. And I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
“Is Mary really necessary for eternal salvation?”
Historically speaking, yes. No Mary, No Jesus; Know Mary, Know Jesus. It is through Mary’s fiat, her yes, her total surrender to God that we are able to experience Jesus as we know him. What if she said no? Many think God would have had another route of salvation planned but it was through her being full of grace, her free will, and the astounding work of the Holy Spirit that God dwelt among us.
Immaculate Conception and the Assumption
Mary: Ever Virgin
Mary: "Full of Grace"
Mary, the Mother of God
“How much exactly does it cost according to Catholics to get into Heaven?”
Nothing. Though be prepared to suffer along the way.

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