12 Myths about Catholicism

From Crisis Magazine:
Here are 12 myths every Catholic should be able to expose. How many can you
1. Christianity is no better than any other faith. All religions lead to God.
2. Why should I believe the Bible? The Old and New Testaments contradict each other countless times.
3. I don’t need to confess my sins to a priest. I can go straight to God.
4. People’s memories of their past lives prove that reincarnation is true...and that the Christian view of Heaven and Hell is not.
5. Properly interpreted, theBible does not condemn homosexuality.
6. If the Church truly followed Jesus, they’d sell their lavish art, property, and architecture, and give the money to the poor.
7. Catholics should follow their conscience in all things...whether it’s abortion, birth control, or women’s ordination.
8. Dissent is actually a good thing, since we should all keep our minds open to new
9. There’s no such thing as absolute truth. What’s true for you may not be true for me.
10. I don’t need to go to Church. As long as I’m a good person, that’s all that really matters.
11. Natural Family Planning is just the Catholic version of birth control.
12. Someone can be pro-choice and Catholic at the same time.
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