Et Unum, Sanctum, Catholicam...

It was reported recently that Pope Benedict meet with Bishop Fellay, the leader of the Society of St. Pious X (SSPX). Read about it here! For those who don't know the history of the SSPX, I strongly suggest you read about all the factors that lead up to it creation and seperation of the SSPX (One in-depth history is found here--not exaustive and I think contains a few errors, but a wonderful start to understand the SSPX). Many people on both sides argue with factual fallicies. Here is a very very very condenced version of what happened. (Credit goes to Catholic World News)
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), founded by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, broke from the Vatican in 1988, when the French prelate ordained four new bishops in defiance of a direct order from Rome. Pope John Paul II (bio - news)responded by announcing that the traditionalist group had committed a schismatic act," incurring the penalty of excommunication for Archbishop Lefebvre and the bishops (including Bishop Fellay) he had ordained.
Now this meeting gives me great hope. Though it is expected, there seemed to be a very civil discussion, and both Pope Benedict and Bishop Fellay conduct the meeting "in a climate of love for the Church and a desire to arrive at perfect communion," and the Vatican director of the vatican press office said that both the Pope and Bishop Fellay hoped 'to make gradual progress in overcoming differences, so that a full agreement could be reached 'in a reasonable time.'" Apparently Bishop Fellay had also planned to request that the "Pontiff to rescind the decrees of excommunication for himself and the other bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988." I hope that this meeting is a stepping stone to form a perfect communion--soon! I will definantly post more on what prompted the split-off of the SSPX's leaders. I understand that there are some member(s) of the SSPX who read my blog and I pray that someday soon I'll be posting about the regularization of the SSPX. I'd like to get your feedback on this one so please click the "Email a Question or Comment" link on the right to send me an email.
(please include in your email whether or not you'd mind me posting parts of your conversation or if you'd like it to remain a private conversation...though I'd never use your name if I did post.)
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