Thank You EWTN--25th Anniversary

The Eternal Word Television network was founded on August 15, 1981 when Mother Angelica "flipped the switch" to begin transmitting 4 hours a day. At the time, the network was even more modest than it is today--its studio was essentially in a garage (I was told this--I understand it is currently where they build their sets.) EWTN has undoubtedly been a critical tool of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of thousands of souls. There are those who love EWTN and there are those who are resentful of the network. I go to a university in the Birmingham Diocese and I was blessed to have the opportunity to interact with the Friars and the employees of EWTN on a frequent basis. I am eternally indebted to them, as they were the instrument which reopened my eyes to the beauty of my Catholic faith.

I was raised as a Catholic and went to Mass with my family; unfortunately it took my senior year in high school, Alabama, and some inquisitive southern baptists to force me to educate myself about my faith. Amazingly, in about two years studying the materials that EWTN and Catholic Answers make available I have made up for what 18 years of Catechesis should have taught me. EWTN really began to touch my heart when I was in my freshman year of college—I still remember streaming EWTN over the internet and watching a service that I had never really recalled seeing before (Benediction).

Today EWTN can reach 895 million people-105 million through TV, 606 million through the internet, and 184 million through radio-it has truly come a long way from the time of Mother Angelica selling fishing lures and printing Mini-Books (links at bottom of page).
EWTN today is one of the most valuable assets of the Catholic Church in this modern age. We should all be thankful that EWTN is being watched over by faithful and fervent religious Priests, Deacon(s), and Nuns who present the teachings of the Church in a fun, easy to understand, deeply spiritual manner and remain extremely faithful to the Magisterium.
Thank you EWTN, continue your mission, and God Bless all of the Priests, Brothers, and Nuns!

P.S. The Diocese of Birmingham, in which EWTN lies, is currently without a Bishop—please pray that Pope Benedict XVI (a big supporter of the network) appoints an orthodox Bishop to guard and Shepard the diocese.
Mother Angelica's Mini-Books:
Spiritual Hangovers
Jesus Needs Me
The Promised Woman
Living the Way of the Cross
My Life in the Rosary
Fruits of His Love
His Pain Like Mine
In His Sandals
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