Why Do Catholics Say That? Part 3

So after my Christian Life, I'm still going to suffer for sins in Purgatory?
Maybe, maybe not. Purgatory, however, is not the “Vengeful God” rather Purgatory is a sign of an infinantly merciful God. We know that nothing unclean will enter His Kingdom, Purgatory is a time/place/state of purgation where those who died in a state of Grace are detached from any attachment of sin. If there was no purgatory then the outlook of getting to heaven would be much harder and we’d be called to live even more difficult and suffering-filled lives.
What about Christ where is He in Catholicism?
What about Him, He is King!
I just can't believe that a man is infallible... I just can't accept it. Only God is perfect.
Perfect, yes…use a dictionary and look up perfect and then look up infallible—they are not the same. The Pope is not perfect—he is human—he is sinful—he is a man who is the Vicar of Christ. He can err in his personal life, but when speaking on matters of faith and morals in refrence to the Church, he is protected by the Holy Spirit.
Sure, there are other cities situated on seven hills, but have they "fornicated" with the kings of the Earth? Do they have power over the kings of the Earth, and are "drunk with the blood of martyrs? I don't think so.
Ok, the whole thing is you either have to accept that the Vatican City is not in Rome--as it is on "Vatican Hill"-not one of the seven hills of Rome, thereby excluding it from the “seven hill” rule. Or you have to accept that Rome has 8 hills…excluding the entire city from the seven hill rule. Does the Vatican have power over the “kings” of the Earth. How many monarchies are there anyway? How many are headed by a king? Could this possibly be symbolism? Hmm….Jerusalem comes to mind. Remember also that the Church has been persuceted in Rome so don’t connect the city with the Church. Then there are the other cities built on seven hills.
Just put the Concecrated Host under a microscope, and you will see it is normal bread, not Jesus' flesh.
This does not conflict with Catholic Doctrine, after Transubstantiation, the bread and wine cease to be bread and wine and there is an ontological change…they literally become the Blood of Christ but maintain the accidentals of bread and wine.
I just think that the Bible is FULL of symbols and metaphors. Did he even say that the bread and wine are literally him?
Yes, the Bible is full of symbols and metaphors, though you seem to be at a loss for that fact when you are arguing that the Catholic Church is “wrong.” Furthermore, yes, Jesus said we do eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood—those that do will have Everlasting Life. From John 6:53
Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats 19 my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
I still need to study more. But for now, Catholicism is most likely not the truth for me.
Truth is absolute, don’t sell yourself short.
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