Lent 2006

Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog! I hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning of Lent. I know that there are many people looking for pennences this season and that many people are returning to their faith. Just yesterday I sat in the local Catholic Student center with a friend and watched a young man wander in and abrubtly ask..."who can I talk to about converting to Catholicism?" In light of this wonderful season I would like to list some ideas I had for this special season so that we all might be able to deepen our Lenten experience:
1.) Read Deus Caritas Est and spend a Holy Hour Meditating on its meaning.
2.) Attend Daily Mass
3.) Weekly Confession
4.) Say the Rosary daily
5.) Read one of the spiritual classics (Confessions/Spiritual Exercises, Interior Castle, Dark Night of the Soul)
6.) Visit those in Hospitals/Prisons
7.) Join a Catholic Forum and learn apologetics.
8.) Take a friend to Mass (non-Catholic or fallen away Catholic)
9.) Pray the Liturgy of the Hours.
10.) Make an effort to learn some Latin.